God Helped Gideon’s little army do great things.
There wasn’t anything special about Gideon. He didn’t know how to lead an army and he wasn’t a warrior. In fact, he was one of the smallest and weakest people in his whole family.
Not only was Gideon small but he wasn’t very brave either. When God told Gideon that he wanted him to lead an army he thought it was a joke. Not only that, He didn’t even believe it was God speaking to him telling him to do this outrageous thing. He made God do a bunch of things to prove to Gideon that he was real. Gideon did all of this because he didn’t believe in himself. He thought that God was making a mistake by choosing him because he was so small and weak. He didn’t think he could do what God wanted him to do
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Bible Story : Judges 6
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