Habakkuk. Trust in the Lord
Habakkuk was a guy with a weird name who had a hard job and some tough questions for God.
Trust in God When we know that He loves us we can always trust Him! Key Point – When we know that He loves us we can always trust Him!
God never explains himself. He rarely gives reasons. The events that unfold in our world seldom make sense. We, therefore, are confronted with the basic tenet of Christianity: The righteous live by faith.
God revealed to Habakkuk that the Babylonians, the epitome of everything Habakkuk (and God for that matter) detested, would become God’s instrument of judgment on Judah. Habakkuk did not understand. He could not explain it. For a time, evil would win over righteousness and bad things would happen to good people. God’s hand would not move. His face would not be seen. Yet throughout this time of punishment, God reminded Habakkuk of correct living: “The righteous will live by his faith” (Hab. 2:4).
Habakkuk realized that though he did not understand God’s ways or timing, he could not doubt God’s wisdom, love, or reliability. Then Habakkuk wrote his great affirmation of faith
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