The Pool at Bethesda – Picture

The Pool at Bethesda.
Jesus left Cana and went back to Jerusalem for a feast. While there, Jesus went near the pool of Bethesda. John tells us that if the waters were stirred up, then the first person into the pool would be healed. Therefore, many people with different ailments would sit for extended periods of time waiting for the waters to be stirred. Archeologists think they have found this pool, and it must have been thought to have healing powers because the Romans built baths on top of this ritual pool.
Jesus walked by the pool and noticed a lame man. He had been lame for 38 years. Jesus asked the man, “Do you want to be healed?” The man responded that yes, he did want to be healed, but that no one would help him into the pool when it stirred. Someone would always get there ahead of him. Jesus replied, “Take up your bed and walk.” The man did just as Jesus said
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Bible Story : John 5:2-5

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